Project Documentation

       Overall, my OP Art project went great. I finished it on time and also learned some cool new things. For example, I learned how to use the mesh tool, how to make and duplicate wavy and zigzag lines, and I also discovered a website that allows you to combine pictures in order to make them rotate. I also had a great experience trying and testing out new designs and tools.

       For instance, I spent a whole day trying to find what I wanted to really do. I began to try out different designs, but none of them satisfied me. However, I finally saw a picture that inspired me to create my own artwork. Later on, I spent the rest of that day trying to learn how to make lines bent and also changing the design of the lines several times. I’ve spent lots of times changing and testing out different lines and designs until I finally found out one that I really enjoyed. 

       The road wasn’t always perfect. There were many things that frustrated me and made me want to just give up, but I kept myself going. It took me forever to learn how to make good wavy lines for my artwork. I also had a hard time making my lines line up when I copied and pasted them in order to fill my page with lines. Some lines ended up a bit crooked and out of place, but the good thing was they are only noticeable if you pay attention very closely. 

       All in all, this project ended up very successful. This experience gave me new knowledge and set of new skills that I picked up on the way. Furthermore, the project that I made myself was one of the best pieces of artwork that I’ve ever made in my life. It was a unique and outstanding piece of work that I created. However if I had a time machine, I would go back in time and do some things differently. I would have added more details, made the artwork 3-D somehow, and also make my project perfect because some of my lines were slightly misplaced. To sum it all up, this OP Art project went smoothly and nicely like a paper boat floating gently in a river that flowed smoothly.


Scroll down the page to see the steps on how I did my project!!!