Comic Write Up

Anh Duong

Johnny Le

Abigail Hernandez

Interactive Comic Write-Up





Abigail and I, (Johnny) didn’t do much researching, because most of what we did were just to draw out or create the backgrounds and the characters. Most of the research was done by Anh who was working with InDesign. Our idea was to create a story where the user can be the character, making all the choices leading to different endings. Some problems we had where the amount of time to get the drawings done, because since we (Abigail and Johnny) had to make them look nice with a lot of details took a big chunk of our time. We began reading Choose Your Own Adventure stories and gathered ideas for our project.

Our original plan was to allow me (Anh) to use the sketches that Johnny and Abigail made and put them into InDesign and create the project. We started off with a story that included violence and zombies, but due to the District’s rules we couldn’t do something that couldn’t include gore. We scratched our zombie idea and thought of a storyline with less violence yet fun. Our new storyline is similar to a game called Slender Man. Where the player has to collect notes in time before this creature could get ahold of them. But since we couldn’t copy the game exactly, we added our touch to the story with all the choices, making the reader more engaged.

So once we got the ideas and and plans all laid out, we began working on the Stranded on an Island story on Google Docs together. Once we got the plot laid out, Johnny and Abigail began sketching the story while I experimented and learned how to use InDesign so that I could create the comic. After a while, I (Anh) began taking the sketches that Johnny and Abigail had created and began working on the creation of the comic. After a week or two, we finally finished our comic project. Although our comic was only 2 pages, it was very well done with lots of interactions on the 1st page. Due to the time limit, we could not finish working on the comic and were only able to finish 1 good page for out comic.

Even though we only finished the demo, since we didn’t have enough time, but we felt very satisfied with our creation. With all the difficulties working with Photoshop to make the sketches look nicer and the time restrictions made a big blow on our project. If we could go back in time and do all of this again, then we would spend more time on getting more done in the comic and spend less time sketching/creating the plot.



I’m planning on toying with photoshop by doing lots of different things. As of now, I’m doing face swaps and I plan on doing hybrid animals, art, and tons of photoshop things in the future. I just want to get more familiar with photoshop by doing various tasks.

Interactive Comic Questions

How does it different from a regular comic, and what features does it have that make it interactive?

An interactive comic just what it sounds like, it’s a comic that’s interactive. In other words, it can interact with the reader. You can click on the pictures, move them, zoom in on the objects, etc.

This comic uses real pictures that move and interact with the story. It is really long and pretty interesting so far.

Choose Your Own Adventure:

This is what we are planning on doing. I am doing this with Johnny and Abigal in order to create an interactive CYOA comic that involves being stranded on an island. The reader has options to pick different choices and their goal is to survive and return home without dying. The reader can interact with the comic and choose the character’s future.

Stone Age (Final Work)

Stone Age (Final Work)

I had to transfer from Illustrator to Photoshop, causing a lot of pixelation. As you can see, a lot of the stones are pixelated. I also should have picked better quality images since a lot of the stones are of low quality. Overall, It wasn’t bad but not very good.